Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The importance of being stung

Large amount of beekeepers have at least one family member who is allergic to bees because they never get stung but they do breath in the bee venom from the beekeepers suit. Bees often sting into the bee suit and the venom dries in there. This venom spreads around the home in form of dust and the family members develop immunity E-cells which can not cope with actual sting hence developing allergy to bee stings. The Beekeeper on the other hand gets stung frequently and his/her body develops T-cells which can handle bee venom. It is either good for the family members to be stung every now and then or for the beekeeper to keep his/her bee suit away from home and wash it him/her self to avoid spreading venom dust in the home.


  1. During bee school, we were all advised to ask our doctor for a prescription for an EpiPen "just in case." And also to keep Benadryl on hand, both topical and oral. I have followed that advice even though so far I have only had a "normal" reaction to stings (intense itching, mostly). Still, other people have reported being stung a hundred times and then after the 101st time having that severe anaphylactic reaction - so it seems better to be prepared for that possibility even if it seems "unlikely."

  2. Epipen cant be purchased in Denmark unless you are already alergic. All one can do is call ambulance
