Saturday, May 25, 2013

Seasonal continuum of the biodiverse ecosystem

Last year I was learning mostly about Honeybee biology and top bar hive natural beekeeping. This year is different; the Honeybees are teaching me about our ecosystem. I'm observing the flowering plants, bushes and trees. I'm observing what what crops my neighbouring farmers are growing and what bushes and trees do they have in their yards. I'm observing the seasonal continuum of this biodiverse ecosystem. The nature is in constant flux. The Honeybee made me see nature with open eyes for the very first time :)
Dandelions bloom has ceased and the flowers became seeds
My neighbour has 3 huge old Horse Chestnut trees which are blooming like mad :)
so many flowers. I see my bees bringing back to the hive orange and red pollen.
I'm sure the red one comes from the Chestnut flower
A Bumblebee working the Chestnut flower
Lilac is blooming heavily but I see no Honeybees pollinating it,
only Bumblebees. Not sure if Honeybees like it ...
Comfrey has begun to flower
Dead Nettle is in full bloom at this time. I see no Honeybees on it
rather only Bumblebees work its flowers :( I hope my bees didn't choose
to collect nectar and pollen from the nearby Canola (Raps/Rape) field
which is not organic :(
I'm hoping to see the Raspberry bloom soon. I've heard from my local bee inspector that bees prefer Raspberry over Canola and we have lots of wild Raspberries around this area :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying a flower called Meadowfoam this year. The bees are supposed to love it. We planted some in the hugulkulture bed as well as by the Echium.

    We bought a couple of BeeBee trees. I hope we're still alive when they start to bloom FOUR to SIX years from now, and that we remember where we planted them. :-)
    Here are some photos...
