Monday, February 11, 2013

Wax Comb Guides for a Top Bar

Im making top bar comb guides by melting wax over a food grade cotton thread. I already used this method last year and the bees have built very streight comb on it.


  1. Try another method there you put the cut cotton string in a can with melted wax placed in a pot with hot water. You just take upp the string and put it on the list. Hold it for a while and then its ready.

    But my experience is that a triangle list on the toplist with some painted wax is the best solution. Less work and best result.

  2. I like that dipping method. Now that I've already bought the soldering iron i think I will stick with it. This method worked very good for me last year. The swarm I placed into the TBH with these comb guides created very streight comb :) They had no old comb in the hive just the cotton comb guides covered in wax :)
    Many beekeepers use triangle comb guides as you with great results.

    1. Patrick,
      I tried you method of dipping the string into a hot melted wax and it does not work :) The wax cools down very fast and it simply doesnt want to stick to the top bar.

    2. Maybe it depends on the material in the string? Do you use natural hampa?

      I put all the strings in the melted wax and then I take them up one by one and the good thing it will cool down so it stick to the bar.

    3. I used natural organic cotton thread used for coocking meat in the oven.

  3. If I'm seeing this right, your not cutting a groove in the top bar, your just laying the string in a straight line on the bar, and covering it with wax?

    1. Hi David,
      That is correct. No groove cutting no fuss :) works great for me.
