Natural Beekeeping

Top Bar ApiRevolution has begun! Lets make some inexpensive Top Bar Hives and let them be pesticide free on their own natural comb! Che Guebee is a rebel bee fighting for the survival of the Biodiversity we all depend on and which is seriously endangered by deforestation and mono-crop agriculture! What kind of teaching have you got if you exclude nature?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Two eggs per cell

I have inspected all 6 colonies yesterday and found that all but one has eggs, larvae and capped brood. The two smallest splits have pulled through very well I must say and are raising lots of brood :) I did give them extra combs of pollen/nectar and one more capped brood comb from their mother hive (to keep same genes in the colony). This sure helped.

One colony has no larvae nor capped brood and has only two brood combs with eggs. This would not worry me a bit if I didn't spot 2 eggs per cell. Not in all cells though. One comb has only 1 egg per cell. My local beekeeping inspector told me that it is normal for a young Queen (this years queen) to lay 2 eggs per cell until she establish proper laying pattern.

Important to mention is that I have 4 new Queens and all these hives were managed in the same fashion; adding empty top bars on each side of the brood nest resulting in a bigger brood nest. All colonies but this one filled those newly built combs with brood. The hive in question filled those newly built combs with pollen and nectar instead??? I'm puzzled? Why did worker bees in this particular colony decide to fill the brood nest with nectar/pollen when the those in other colonies decided to give that new space to their Queens to lay eggs in it?

I have rearranged their whole nest moving the brood nest closer to the entrance. This colony is the only one which had the brood nest in the middle of the hive all others keep it close to the entrance. I placed two empty top bars on each side of the brood nest in hope that this time they use it for brood raring. I hope the Queen is properly mated since she sure looks nice, long and big :)
I will inspect this colony in a week and see if the eggs have turned into larvae and if they have begun to lay eggs in the newly built combs. If not then I will re-queen.

Another hive has capped most of their surplus honey so I decided to harvest it. I will crash'n'strain it, this time with my hands.
The honey comb can be harvested if its at least 2/3 capped otherwise there
will be too much water in the honey.

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